Trench Group Takes Action for Earth Day 2024: Planet vs. Plastics

Trench Group Takes Action for Earth Day 2024: Planet vs. Plastics Today, we celebrate Earth Day. The large civic event in the world, over 192 countries are coming together to safeguard our planet and fight for a better future. This year, the world is once again uniting to tackle one of the most pressing environmental […]

Sustainability starts from reliability!

How RIS bushings enhance transformer reliability and pave the way towards a low-carbon power system “Power systems are the heart of energy transition”.  Facilitating decarbonization, electrification, decentralized generation, and withstanding evermore extreme weather conditions from climate change, the power system is undergoing a profound and challenging transformation. Thus, safe, and reliable operation of the power […]

Is LCA a key accelerator of the sustainable transformation?

Life cycle assessment A Powerful tool to tackle our environmental impact The UN Environment Program has recently announced that people are consuming more resources than ever, resulting in increased waste, depletion of natural resources and endangering impacts on our environment. Thus, the adoption of sustainable consumption and production practices is inevitable, but how can we […]

Power VTs as a game-changer in the sustainable electrification of our planet!

Power VTs as a game-changer in the sustainable electrification of our planet! Solar, wind, hydro, geothermal – The renewable energy resources on our planet are sufficient to meet the energy demand for all human beings, saving all natural resources and preventing greenhouse gas emissions.[1] Also, renewable technologies are becoming increasingly cost-competitive across a wide range […]

Why is HVDC grid technology a key to green energy transition?

As we all know, “energy transition” denotes the shift from non-sustainable fossil fuels (such as oil and gas) and nuclear energy to a sustainable power supply based on renewable sources like solar and wind. However, such alternative energy sources are mostly located far away from the end-user, for example, in offshore wind farms. Therefore, it […]