The IPCC Report 2022 is alarming, the GHG emissions of the last decade are at their highest levels in human history! Do you know what this means?
Climate change is affecting the whole globe, resulting in severe environmental issues, such as droughts, wildfires, record floods, etc. These natural disruptions have already threatened food security and the livelihoods of millions of people. Only since 2008, catastrophic floods and storms have forced more than 20 million people to flee from their homes each year. Moreover, wildfires are covering larger areas than ever before, which leads to irreversible changes in the natural environment.
Regarding this alarming development, the IPCC Report 2022 gives a clear warning: The world is about to face even more severe environmental disasters, affecting both the people and the planet, if global warming is not limited to 1.5°C within the next two decades.
This is a particularly challenging mission, since the amount of greenhouse gases already released to the atmosphere, combined with current emission trends, will fuel climate change even further in the short run. To take action against the predicted development, we have to react fast and foster decarbonization on a new level!
Bearing this in mind, Trench Group and HSP made the commitment to review all products and processes on their environmental impact. This includes not only processed materials or production steps but the entire supply- and value chain. Based on the gathered analytics, the REGENERA™ approach challenges us to #remove harmful entities and replace them with environmentally friendly ones instead. A pioneering example is the introduction of Ester fluid as a substitute for mineral oil. According to OECD 301. E, Ester is a biodegradable fluid, which can be derived from vegetable seeds or other inorganic materials.
The sustainable insulation material can be applied, for example, in ester bushings, based on the established OIP technology. In comparison to mineral oil insulation, Ester provides multiple advantages for the natural environment and the customer as well. This includes, for example, enhanced thermal performance, improved aging resistance, high flashpoint, excellent fire safety, non-toxic smoke, and ready biodegradability.
Thus, the replacement of mineral oil with Eco Fluid gives us the opportunity to fundamentally change our impact on the environment by minimizing our carbon footprint.
Knowing that this is just one step along a challenging journey, we strongly believe that each decision makes a difference on our way towards a greener future. Let’s not take our planet for granted and stop the progression of climate change! The IPCC Report 2022 clearly demonstrates- it’s time to act NOW.
To learn more about our product family of green Eco Fluid bushings, discover our Eco Fluid Line and follow us on LinkedIn.